17th PRACE Call for Project Access

There is a new batch of HPC resources available for our Centre of Excellence, as part of the reserve that PRACE has been applying to all the CoEs since the 12th Call for Project Access. This reserve is linked to the 17th PRACE Call for Project Access. Until 31 March 2019, the following allocations are available for each CoE:

– Joliot-Curie (KNL partition): 75.000 core hours
– Joliot-Curie (SKL partition): 150.000 core hours
– Juwels: 80.000 core hours
– Hazel Hen: 80.000 core hours
– Marconi (Broadwell partition): 50.000 core hours
– Marconi (KNL partition): 700.000 core hours
– MareNostrum: 300.000 core hours
– Piz Daint: 7000 node hours
– SuperMUC: 120.000 core hours

Please, send your applications to peer-review@prace-ri.eu using a word file (please contact e.lumley@ucl.ac.uk for the file). The deadline to receive applications will be 30 November 2018 at noon. Your applications should be 2-3 pages long.