

* A full listing of past e-seminars can be found here, including video recordings and slides.

Past Events 2024

*14-18 January 2024 – Workshop on “Computational Science: HPC & AI, Visualisation and Uncertainty Quantification” – Leogang, Austria

Past Events 2023

*17 November 2023 – Workshop on “Digital Twins: Practices and Principles for High Performance Computing ” at Supercomputing 2023 – Denver, USA

*3-4 October 2023 – Virtual Human Global Summit 2023 – New York, USA

*12-14 September 2023 – CompBioMed Conference 2023 – Garching, Germany

*21-23 June 2023 – CompBioMed2 All Hands Meeting – Geneva, Switzerland

*29 March 2023 – ‘Virtual You’ Book Launch & The Next Pandemic’ IMAX Screening at the London Science Museum – London, UK

Past Events 2022

*13-14 December 2022 – CompBioMed at Le Studium Conference on Cardiovascular Modelling – Tours, France

*2 December 2022 – Premiere of CompBioMed Pandemic Film at the Amsterdam EyeMuseum – EyeMuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands

*15-17 June 2022 – MPI and OpenMP in Scientific Software Development – online

*21 June 2022 – Data management and publication – A DICE&CompBioMed Hackathon – CINECA, Bologna, Italy

*22-24 June 2022 – CompBioMed AHM 2022 – CINECA, Bologna, Italy

*14-16 July 2022 – MMSML Workshop – Methods in Molecular Simulations and Machine Learning – Barcelona Biomedical Research Park, Barcelona, Spain

* May-September 2022 – CompBioMed e-Seminar series for SMEs – online

*9 September 2022 – CompBioMed Session at VPH2022 – Porto, Portugal

Past Events 2021

*16-19 February 2021 – PATC/CompBioMed Winter School 2021 on HPC-based Computational Biomedicine – BSC, Barcelona, Spain

*29 March 2021 – SURF Webinar: Sensitive Data Management and EUDAT Services – SURF, Amsterdam, Netherlands

*9-12 June 2021 – MPI and OpenMP in Scientific Software Development – online

*23-25 June 2021 – CompBioMed2 All Hands Meeting – online

*15-17 September 2021 – CompBioMed Conference 2021 – online

Past Events 2020

*11-13 February 2020 – PATC/CompBioMed Winter School 2020 on HPC-based Computational Biomedicine – BSC, Barcelona, Spain

*16-17 March 2020 – Machine Learning meets Modelling and Simulation Methods – Virtual Meeting with recorded video links

*26th May 2020 – Incubator Activities meeting – Virtual Meeting with recorded video links added soon.

*3-10 December 2020 – SURF Online Course: Cluster Computing for Computational Science – SURF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Past Events 2019

*13-15 February 2019 – PATC/CompBioMed Winter School 2019 on “HPC-based Computational Bio-Medicine” – BSC, Barcelona, Spain

*28-29 March 2019 – Container Technologies in Cloud and High Performance Computing Research and Commercial Applications – SURFsara, the Netherlands

*29-30 May – UKCOMES/HemeLB: Cardiovascular modelling and simulation in UKCOMES – UCL, London, UK

*19 June – CompBioMed BoF at ISC-High Performance 2019 – Frankfurt, Germany

*25-27 September – CompBioMed Conference 2019 – London, UK

*21-23 October – CompBioMed2 Kick-Off meeting – LRZ, Garching, Germany

Past Events 2018

* 26-27 March 2018 – CompBioMed All-Hands Meeting – UvA, Amsterdam

* 28 March 2018 – CompBioMed & VHeart Joint Workshop – UvA, Amsterdam

* 14-18 May 2018 – Acellera and Janssen Sponsor the 2018 Workshop on Free Energy Methods, Kinetics and Markov State Models in Drug Design – Boston, MA

* 9 June 2018 – “Building a Virtual Human” at Cheltenham Science Festival – Cheltenham, UK

* 19-20 June 2018 – CompBioMed exhibit at Teratec Forum 2018 – Palaiseau, France

* 27 June 2018 – CompBioMed BoF at ISC-High Performance 2018 – Franfurt, Germany

* 8-12 July 2018 – CompBioMed at World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland

* 22-27 July 2018 – UOXF for CompBioMed at World Congress in Mechanics, New York, USA

* 4 September 2018 – CompBioMed training at VPH2018 – High Performance for the VPH – Zaragoza, Spain

* 5-7 September 2018 – CompBioMed Booth at VPH2018 – Zaragoza, Spain

* 30-31 October 2018 – PRACE-CoEs-FET HPC-EXDCI workshop Brühl, Germany

* 15 November 2018 – CompBioMed BoF at SC18 Dallas, Texas, US

Past Events 2017

* 11-12 April 2017 – CompBioMed All-Hands Meeting – BSC, Barcelona

* 27th April 2017 – Cloud & High Performance Computing in Biomedicine – UCL, London

* 16th May 2017 – CompBioMed at PRACEdays 2017 – BSC, Barcelona

* 31st May 2017 – CompBioMed & BioExcel Free-Energy Workshop – UCL, London

* 15th September 2017 – CompBioMed & OpenMultiMed Joint Session at EPMA 2017 – Malta

* 27th September 2017 – “The Virtual Human” IMAX film at the Science Museum Lates event, Science Museum, London

* 27th September 2017 – Alces Flight Workshop for CompBioMed, University College London

Past Events 2016

* 3-4 October 2016 – CompBioMed KO Meeting – UoL, London