Related Projects

For information on connecting your project with ours as a Related Project, please contact e.lumley “at”

Below is the current list of CompBioMed Related Projects, we are currently in the process of updating this page with more information on each of the projects, so stay tuned!:

BioExcel is a Centre of Excellence for provision of support to academic and industrial researchers in the use of high-performance computing and high-throughput computing in biomolecular research. You can contact them here for more information

The Collaborative Computational Project for Biomolecular Simulation (CCPBioSim) is the UK network that brings together expertise to support biomolecular simulators through software development, running basic and advanced level workshops and conferences. We welcome researchers from multiple disciplines and areas of expertise at our events. CCPBioSim is funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). You can contact the lead of the consortium for more information

European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing. It is an industry-led think tank composed of European HPC technology stakeholders: technology vendors, research centres, and end users. The main task of ETP4HPC is to define research priorities and action plans in the are of HPC technology provision. You can contact them using their contact email

European Extreme Data & Computing Initiative (EXDCI). Their main objective is to coordinate the development and implementation of a common strategy for the European HPC Ecosystem. EXDCI aims to support the road-mapping, strategy-making and performance-monitoring activities of the HPC ecosystem. For more information you can contact the coordinator, or the Project Management office.

MAX (MAterials design at the eXascale) is a European Centre of Excellence which enables materials modelling, simulations, discovery and design at the frontiers of the current and future High Performance Computing (HPC), High Throughput Computing (HTC) and data analytics technologies.

UK Consortium on Mesoscale Engineering Sciences (UKCOMES) was established in June 2013, supported by the EPSRC Grant No. EP/L00030X/1. It is one of seven high-end computing (HEC) consortia for science and engineering in the UK funded by the Research Councils.

EoCoE – Energy oriented Centre of Excellence for Computing Applications. At the crossroads of the energy and digital revolutions, EoCoE develops and applies cutting-edge computational methods in its mission to accelerate the transition to the production, storage and management of clean, decarbonized energy.

CHEESE – Center of Excellence in Solid Earth. The main objective of ChEESE is to establish a new Center of Excellence (CoE) in the domain of Solid Earth (SE) targeting the preparation of 10 Community flagship European codes for the upcoming pre-Exascale (2020) and Exascale (2022) supercomputers.

ESiWACE – Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe. The “Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe” has been funded by the European Commission to substantially improve efficiency and productivity of numerical weather and climate simulation and prepare them for future exascale systems. Overall, the Centre of Excellence prepares the European weather and climate community to make use of future exascale systems in a co-design effort involving modelling groups, computer scientists and HPC industry.

The Performance Optimisation and Productivity Centre of Excellence in Computing Applications provides performance optimisation and productivity services for (your?) academic AND industrial code(s) in all domains!

EXCELLERAT is a European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications. The Centre is an initiative of several European High Performance Computing Centres. EXCELLERAT offers cross-cutting support for various engineering sectors, like manufacturing, automotive, energy, aerospace, chemistry, biology and climate, enabling generic application support is a non-trivial task. Within the engineering sector we see specialisation on expertise, applications development, targeted training and offered hardware. We offer bundled expertise on various sectors as well as a tailored hardware infrastructure and a proprietary software stack, leading to substantial reduction of costs of operation.

E-CAM is a partnership of 16 CECAM (Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire) nodes, 3 PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) Centres, 12 industrial partners and 1 Centre for Industrial Computing (Hartree Centre for HPC in Industry).
E-CAM sits within the CECAM scientific community. CECAM (Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique and Moleculaire) was founded in Paris in 1969 by Dr. Carl Moser and is devoted to the promotion of fundamental research on advanced computational methods and to their application to important problems in frontier areas of science and technology. Today CECAM is structured as 18 trans European nodes (plus one node in Israel) with its headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Verified Exascale Computing for Multiscale Applications: The purpose of the VECMA project is to enable a diverse set of multiscale, multiphysics applications to run on current multi-petascale computers and emerging exascale environments with high fidelity such that their output is “actionable”. That is, the calculations and simulations are certifiable as validated (V), verified (V) and equipped with uncertainty quantification (UQ) by tight error bars such that they may be relied upon for making important decisions in all the domains of concern. The central deliverable is an open source toolkit for multiscale VVUQ based on generic multiscale VV and UQ primitives, to be released in stages over the lifetime of this project, fully tested and evaluated in emerging exascale environments, actively promoted over the lifetime of this project, and made widely available in European HPC centres.

HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme offers:

  • access to world-class HPC systems to academic and industrial researchers
  • scientific collaboration with host researchers in any field
  • technical support by the HPC centres
  • travel and living expenses reimbursed

VHeart – A Spanish Network of Excellence for Cardiac Computational Modelling

Human Brain Project is an H2020 FET Flagship Project which strives to accelerate the fields of neuroscience, computing and brain-related medicine. This acceleration will be achieved by a strategic alignment of scientific research programmes in fundamental neuroscience, advanced simulation and multi-scale modelling with the construction of an enabling Research Infrastructure. For more information please email

PIC is a European ITN that will train a cohort of 15 of the future innovation leaders able to articulate and materialise the vision of a Personalised In-silico Cardiology (PIC) where the management of cardiac conditions is informed by computational models that (1) represent our mechanistic understanding of physiology and fundamental laws of physics and biochemistry; and (2) capture the individual patient’s health status. Project Manager for PIC is David Jordan for any questions

EU-STANDS4PM is a Coordinating and Support Action funded under the Horizon2020 framework programme of the European Commission. A major focus of the project is to assess and evaluate strategies for data-driven in silico modelling approaches for personalised medicine with the aim to develop harmonised standards, recommendations and guidelines that allow a broad application of predictive in silico methodologies in personalised medicine across Europe. Project Manager is Marc Kirschner