Category Archives: News

CompBioMed2 proposal accepted

In March this year we were particularly busy finalising the CompBioMed2 proposal for the 2018-2020 call from the Commission for Centres of Excellence. In July we found that we are successful in this bid, and we have been working towards putting the Grant Agreement in place. We are excited to start this second phase of…

ELEM Biotech starts business

BSC’s spinoff company ELEM Biotech is born to commercialize on a Cloud-Deployed Software-as-a-Service basis the use of the HPC-based simulation code Alya for biomedical research. ELEM will become a Virtual Humans Factory, where in-silico trials can be performed thanks to a specifically designed user interface. Although ELEM’s first target will be the cardiovascular and respiratory…

A Mechanistic Model for Predicting Cell Surface Presentation of Competing Peptides by MHC Class I Molecules

A Mechanistic Model for Predicting Cell Surface Presentation of Competing Peptides by MHC Class I Molecules Denise S. M. Boulanger (1), Ruth C. Eccleston (2,3), Andrew Phillips (4), Peter V. Coveney (2,3,) Tim J. Elliott (1) and Neil Dalchau (4) 1 Centre for Cancer Immunology and Institute for Life Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of…

Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies – Accelerated reactions in condensed bio-matter?

HITS researcher Dr Kashif Sadiq explores ribonucleoprotein granules, a condensed form of bio-matter found inside cells. He investigates whether the rate of enzymatic reactions in these membrane-less granules is accelerated. If true, this would lead to new insights in how cells regulate their biochemistry and may shed light on the origins of life on Earth.…

CompBioMed research wins the 11th IEEE International Scalable Computing Challenge

Our work executing and managing large and complex campaigns of ligand binding simulations (using our domain specific middleware, HTBAC) has won the 11th IEEE International Scalable Computing Challenge (SCALE 2018) at the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing (CCGrid) 2018 held in Washington DC. The prize rewards real-world problem solving using computing…

PolNet software released under General License

A recent paper published through a collaboration of our coordinator, UCL, with our Associate Partner at the Centre for Medical Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, outlines the use and release of the PolNet software tool. PolNet is a software tool for the computer simulation of blood flow in realistic microvascular networks imaged with…