On this page you’ll find a listing of various resources from the community of researchers in the fight against coronavirus. This page is being constantly updated, if you have any resources to add to it, please contact e.lumley “at” ucl.ac.uk.

The COVID-19 Articles You Need to Read (link) – Resource page from CompBioMed Associate Partner ‘F1000’
The F1000 faculty have evaluated the literature relevant to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, and handpicked the most relevant and important research to help tackle this global crisis. To assist in addressing this pandemic they have made all recommendations of articles relating to COVID-19 and the coronavirus family freely available to access on F1000Prime.
Call for Proposals

PRACE Support To Mitigate Impact Of COVID-19 Pandemic (link) – Fast Track Call for Proposals
PRACE is welcoming project proposals requesting computing resources to contribute to the mitigation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This Call for Proposals will follow a Fast Track review process to provide swift feedback to the applicants. PRACE has established a Scientific Committee which will discuss the merit of the proposals, and is supported by external scientific experts, and a technical team.

EGI Call for COVID-19 Research Projects (link) – The EGI call for COVID-19 research projects is now open
As the coronavirus, and its related consequences, spread across the globe, EGI and Open Science Grid (OSG) in the USA are joining forces to commit specialized technical support, specialized simulation tools, and compute and storage resources, to accelerate progress on COVID-19 research.
General Resources

How In Silico Fights Coronavirus (link) – Resource page from CompBioMed Associate Partner ‘In Silico World’
This page collects all initiatives of the In Silico community toward the fight against coronavirus, including funding initiatives, research projects, use case scenarios, and report & information collections.

DeCovid (link) – Detailed, frequently updated health data in a secure database
Using detailed, frequently updated health data in a secure database, providing up to date information about patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data will be analysed to answer the most pressing clinical questions to support the COVID-19 emergency response and to improve the quality of patient care for the future.

Coronavirus Structural Taskforce (link) – A global public resource for the structures from beta-coronavirus with a focus on SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2.
This repository is a global public resource for the structures from beta-coronavirus with a focus on SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. You can find here: The original files for 19 of the 28 proteins in SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2, over 300 different structures; Re-refined structures from different contributors; Validation statistics for these and the original structural models; Diagnostic data for the quality of the experimental data.

Covid-19 Sequencing Tools and Resources (link) – Understanding Coronavirus with PacBio Sequencing
As a leading provider of long-read sequencing technology, PacBio is committed to supporting the efforts of government, academic, and commercial labs in their efforts to understand SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Included are resources to aid scientists in the study of SARS-CoV-2 and the related immune response to COVID-19.

Royal Academy of Engineering (link) – RAEng have a list of the most recent funding call and relevant activities
Royal Academy of Engineering have collated a list of key areas where engineering and manufacturing expertise is urgently required by the UK government with direct links to register your interest and capability. They also have a page for other technologies and expertise that is required during the crisis and a page describing the International Response to the crisis.

HecBioSim and CCPBioSim (link) – Global Molecular Modelling & Simulation Efforts Toward COVID19
The aim of this online resource is to host up-to-date links for covid19 related research that falls within the biomolecular modelling and simulation umbrella. As with ours, their ultimate aim is to help coordinate efforts to maximise efficiency by bringing together people, projects and resources.

Physics of Life (link) – COVID-19 Scientific community support
Physics of Life are aware of the current need of the scientific community to come together to share resources, expertise, ideas and knowledge in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. They provide a sign posting service to collate all of the calls to action for the scientific community and useful resources.

CoronaVirus Tech Handbook (link) – Links and information about various modelling efforts
Collaborative effort to capture all the current and ongoing research into modelling the future of the coronavirus pandemic

BioExcel CoE (link) – BioExcel Center of Excellence in support of COVID-19 research
If you are working on modelling and simulations of systems related to SARS-CoV-2, please get in touch with us at info@bioexcel.eu. We can provide expert support in the areas of biomolecular integrative modelling, molecular dynamics simulations, free energy calculations, docking etc. In particular, we welcome users of supported applications HADDOCK, GROMACS, PMX, CP2K (hybrid-QM/MM)

Coronavirus Research (link) – European Commission research projects and initiatives to tackle coronavirus and other outbreak preparedness.
In addition to a number of past and ongoing research actions related to coronaviruses and outbreaks, the European Commission launched several new actions in 2020. These are described on this resource page.
Calls for Contributions

In Silico to Fight COVID-19 (link) – VPHi is looking for members that have expertise useful in combatting the COVID-19 challenge.
Computer modelling and simulation can be used to expedite testing of a wide range of COVID-19 related processes including drug repurposing, epidemiological models (forecasting of disease spread, incidence, prevention measures etc), resource optimisation (e.g. ICU beds) and in silico certification of medical devices related to COVID-19. If you would like to be included into this COVID-19 related expertise list, please fill in the form in the link.

Covid-19 Moonshot project (link) – Contribute your expertise to design inhibitors of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease
An international group of scientists from academia and industry trying to do their small part to help combat COVID-19. This effort began when Chinese scientists worked rapidly to determine the structure of the novel SARS-CoV-2 main protease (Mpro),which triggered a massive crystal-based fragment screen at the XChem facility at UK’s Diamond Light Source. With the same urgency, they are now trying to progress these data towards what is desperately needed: effective, easy-to-make anti-COVID drugs. If you have a suggested compound for the 3CL-protease they intend to make and test it.

Royal Society (link) – Urgent call for modellers to support epidemic modelling
This urgent call to action is addressed to the scientific modelling community, and is a scheme to allow those with modelling skills (including data science) to contribute to current UK efforts in modelling the COVID-19 pandemic. A willingness to work on specified tasks, and to deadlines, is needed. However, no previous experience in epidemic modelling, as such, is required of RAMP participants.

EGI (link) – EGI opens a call for COVID-19 research projects
As the coronavirus, and its related consequences, spread across the globe, EGI and Open Science Grid (OSG) in the USA are joining forces to commit specialised technical support, simulation tools, and compute and storage resources to accelerate progress on COVID-19 research..

Science Business Database (link) – Coronavirus Funding Opportunities
As a service to the global R&D community, Science|Business has compiled this database of funding opportunities. This is what we have found so far. Users are encouraged to let us know of funding calls that could be incorporated into the database. Please email all suggestions to info@sciencebusiness.net. The database will be updated daily. For rapid news about COVID-19, see our live blog.

PRACE – Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (link) – European HPC Ecosystem Rallies To Support The Fight Against COVID-19
While medical professionals are working around the clock to help those affected by COVID-19, PRACE partners, HPC centres, and research infrastructures are doing their bit by opening up their facilities for urgent/priority access to the HPC systems and other resources to support the research to combat the coronavirus. Below we are listing these initiatives. We will keep this page up to date as information on further initiatives becomes available. Contact us if you want your initiative featured on this page and promoted via our social media channels.
Press Releases

Immunity Bio (link) – ImmunityBio Combines Supercomputing Power with Microsoft Azure to Target Infection “Doorway” of the Coronavirus
Joint efforts combine a total of 24 petaflops of GPU computing power between ImmunityBio and Microsoft, enabling simulation of 200 μs per day of binding between the COVID-19 spike protein and the host ACE-2 surface protein – a crucial step to develop proteins to stop the infection

University of Oxford (link) – Department of Computer Science
This page will be updated regularly to include any Covid-19 related research or writings involving members of the University of Oxford, Department of Computer Science.
CompBioMed-Coronavirus Pages:
CompBioMed and Coronavirus
The Consortium on Coronavirus
CompBioMed Partner Activity
Call for Contributions
Coronavirus Research Resources
Coronavirus Blog
Areas of Research:
Computational Drug Discovery
Epitope Analysis
Drug Toxicity
Computational Epidemiology
Virus Evolutionary Analysis
Host Response Analysis