Summit Node Hour Allocation Awarded to UCL

The Centre for Computational Science at UCL has been awarded an allocation of 25,000 Summit node hours through 31 July 2019. This is the equivalent, to about 15 million core hours on Titan, the former number one in the Top 500 list of supercomputers, which we have been working on for over a year. The access is given inter alia to extend the INSPIRE DOE INCITE project, which is designed to help determine drugs to administer to cancer patients whose target proteins have developed resistance to the first level drugs they have been treated with.

Summit is the current number one in the Top 500 list of supercomputers, and operates at a peak of ca 200 pflops. Meanwhile, the UK flagship supercomputer, ARCHER, has a peak performance of 2.55 pflops.

EU Centre of Excellence CompBioMed2 and FETHPC funding is focused on the transition to the exascale, and Summit bring us substantially closer at 200 pflops. This is over 173 flops faster than any previous machine we have worked on.

On the path to the exascale, much work remains to be done to ensure we can extract maximum performance from this new generation of computers.

With this and other work, the CCS plans to be active in co-design of codes and workflows with US-based Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) / Department of Energy (DoE) in the race to the exascale. ANL expects to have their own Intel machine, Aurora, in production at some stage in 2021.